МЭОЦ Истомино

Новости Истомино:

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Activities in the IEEC “Istomino”

The IEEC use in the research work

The main areas of activity:

  1. Main activities:
    • scientific and material support of basic researches of the ecosystem of Lake Baikal and the Selenga River delta as an indicator of anthropogenic impacts and natural changes in biodiversity in the Baikal Lake basin;
    • carrying out scientific expeditions;
    • organization of scientific and practical meetings and events in the field of sustainable development of the Baikal region;
    • conducting specialized practices of students of natural faculties and summer schools for gifted children on ecology, economics, chemistry, physics and mathematics;
    • development of ecological tourism;
    • demonstration of system of ecological agriculture and production of organic foodstuff using renewable energy sources.

  2. Laboratory and industrial premises - chemical laboratory.
  3. Instrumentation. Equipment for chemical analysis and sampling.
  4. Participation in the implementation of fundamental research projects of the SB RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences, international and national programs
  5. Significant scientific advances obtained using observations taken at the center (publications).
  6. Research Report IEEC "Istomino" (BINM SB RAS) in 2011 г.
  7. Research Report IEEC "Istomino" (BINM SB RAS) in 2012 г.
  8. Research Report IEEC "Istomino" (BINM SB RAS) in 2013 г.

Educational literature

670047 Республика Бурятия, г. Улан-Удэ, ул. Сахьяновой, 6
телефон: (3012)433676, 433380, Факс: (3012), 434259, 434753